The Lyric Assessor

This is the Lyric assessor. You can use it to compare your lyrics with a corpus of 295 'canonical' lyrics by lyricists such as Townes van Zandt, Cole Porter, Lennon and McCartney and Bob Dylan.

The Lyric Assessor is calibrated using the lyrics of 295 songs that are cited by songwriters as being examples of well-crafted songs. For a complete list of the often cited well-crafted songs and their relative scores, contact The Lyric Assessor.

The Lyric Assessor generates a score based on the extent to which the assessed lyrics are similar to songs cited as being well-crafted (positive scores). Negative scores indicate that the assessed lyrics are unlike cited well-crafted lyrics.

Please note that song lyrics and poems are very different types of texts. If you wish to assess poetry, try

To use the Lyric Assessor:

1) Copy the lyrics of the song to be analysed and paste them into the textbox below. Ensure that the song lyrics depict the song as it is sung. That is, if there are several repetitions of a chorus, ensure that the repeated choruses are included in the text. Also, ensure that the complete verses are included

2) Exclude non-semantic utterances such as 'la', 'dum', 'na' and 'fa'. However, utterances with a semantic meaning, such as 'oh' and 'yeah', should be included.

3) The Lyric Assessor will pick up 95% of variations in spelling due to differences in British and American English. However, the default language is American English. Therefore, for maximum accuracy, it is advisable to use American English

4) Press 'Submit' once. A result will be generated in a few seconds.

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